Among these events is Carnival, one of Tobago's most famous annual celebrations. Carnival is actually a series of festivals and events that begins before Ash Wednesday and runs for four to six weeks. Trinidad's Carnival coincides with Tobago's, but the latter is decidedly more relaxed.
Parties and dancing precede Carnival. The J'ouvert festival, which begins before daybreak on Carnival Monday, is essentially a celebration of Tobago's unique history. In a practice referred to as "dirty mas," dancers cover themselves in chocolate, mud, paint, and even baby powder to depict nighttime creatures. Under cover of night, devils and demons flood the streets, hips swinging to soca music until the sun rises and Carnival officially begins.
Steelband competitions, masquerades, dips in the ocean, and dancing to live music performed by popular local bands are just a few of the activities that tourists can enjoy during Carnival.
The Tobago Heritage Festival is another annual event that begins in July or August. This festival showcases regional diversity through music, storytelling, dancing, and food. Locals don traditional costumes and stage performances to depict life in Tobago in the 1900s and act out scenes from the history of Tobago, which includes the Moriah Ole Time Wedding, a re-enactment of traditional Tobagonian weddings and a spectacle that attracts hundreds of visitors. Guests participate by following the "wedding procession," laughing at the actors' funny wedding speeches, dancing to Tambrin music, and partaking of regional culinary delights.
Events at the Tobago Heritage Festival differ from village to village and range from ole time mas and goat and crab races to stick fighting performances.
Find out more about festivals in Tobago by following this John Jefferis Twitter account.